



The Organizing Committee would like for you to be a part of this year's event. Sponsorship levels and associated benefits are:


Sponsor acknowledgement on the event website, in the Symposium printed final program, and verbal/graphical acknowledgement during the opening remarks of the Symposium.

* SILVER SPONSOR ($3,000):

Everything at Bronze Level plus reserved space (nominally 10' x 10') for an exhibit table in the Great Hall during all four days of the Symposium. One complimentary conference registration will also be included at the Silver Sponsor Level.

* GOLD SPONSOR ($5,000):

Everything at Silver Level plus a minimum dedicated slot for presentation to conference attendees during either the tutorial session on Monday or a technical session on Tuesday through Thursday (exact date / time negotiable and dependent on schedule requirements). Special acknowledgement of all Gold Level Sponsors during all conference lunches. Up to two complementary conference registrations will also be included.


Everything at Gold Level plus exclusive sponsorship of the Student Poster Contest (SPC) to be held in conjunction with the Symposium. Sponsorship of the SPC will fund a prize pot for the top posters as determined by a panel of judges, and travel scholarships to offset student travel costs. This exclusive sponsorship will include acknowledgement at the presentation of the student awards during the Wednesday evening dinner event at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, on the OGS website and in printed material. Up to three complementary conference registrations will also be included.

Wish to be a sponsor? Click here!

A special thanks for the materiel support from the folks at CREATE!