Student Poster Contest

Information on how to get involved with the OGS'24 Student Poster Competition!


Optional posterboard template:

{<~Template (horizontal)~>} {<~Template (vertical)~>}

* Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 August 2024 *

* Poster Submission Deadline: 30 September 2024 (if you require us to print, otherwise you can hand carry it to OGS)! *

Submission Information:

1. Prepare a poster describing work with sizes and arrangements that will nominally fit onto a 36 in. x 48 in. posterboard.
2. Optional templates are provided (above) although students are free to choose their own template. Easels will be provided for displaying the posters.
3. Only submissions involving students, either graduate or undergraduate in any discipline, working alone or as part of a team, are eligible for submission.
4. Individuals are limited to one poster submission (i.e., they cannot submit one as an individual and one as part of a team).
5. If you need us to print your poster, please submit in electronic format by 30 September 2024 deadline to Lt Col Darrell Crowe. You are free to print your own and hand carry it to OGS.
6. Only registered students may submit a poster.
7. Student posters will be judged and rewarded based upon content, clarity, and creativity.

All interested participants should register for the symposium on the registration page, after which you will be able to login to your registration and submit your abstract (150 words or less). Note that you may set up a registration account now and pay your registration fee at a later date. Abstracts should be submitted by no later than August 16, 2024 . Team submissions should designate one person as the point of contact and have him/her register for the symposium and submit the abstract, with team members listed as co-authors. Notification of acceptance will arrive be by mid-September. Note that depending on the number of submissions, not all submitted posters may be accepted. In this situation, posters will be accepted based on perceived technical merit from all abstracts received prior to the deadline.

All accepted posters will be displayed during the 16th Overset Grid Symposium with the poster contest taking place during the conference. Poster judging will occur during the coffee and lunch breaks and participants are asked to be present at their posters during these times to answer questions from the judges. Presenters may also be asked to present a brief (two to five minutes depending on number of posters) overview of their work to the symposium during the technical program. Winners will be determined by a committee of experts representing U.S. government labs, academia, and industry. Prizes will be awarded to the top three posters based on scores in technical content and clarity of presentation. In addition, we are hoping to be able to reimburse the conference registration fee of students that submit accepted posters (pending available funds).

Please direct questions to Lt Col Darrell Crowe:


The first Symposium on Overset Composite Grids and Solution Technology was held in 1992 by the late Prof. Joseph Steger at NASA Ames Research Center to exploit the synergism of different overset grid practitioners. To celebrate the 10th conference, the organizing committee launched a Student Poster Contest, named after Prof. Steger. The 16th conference will continue this tradition by again holding a Student Poster Contest in conjunction with the 2024 Overset Grid Symposium.

Poster submissions that cover CFD work for complex geometries, engineering applications, numerical analysis, computer science, and mathematics are welcome. Research work related to overset technology is encouraged but not required. However, extra credit will be given to work that utilizes or further advances overset grid technology. The poster should highlight original work by a student, either in progress or completed within the last two years. The work may involve collaboration with university, government, or industry partners.

Prize Pot: