50th Dayton-Cincinnati
Aerospace Sciences Symposium

March 4th, 2025 - Sinclair Ponitz Conference Center

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  • Submit Art-in-Science entries


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The Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium (DCASS) is a unique venue for technical interchange with members of the regional aerospace community. This year's event is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at the Sinclair Ponitz Conference Center.

To celebrate our 50th event, the first 300 registrants will receive a special, limited edition 50th anniversary DCASS challenge coin!

We are pleased to announce the keynote for this years event will be Dr. Kevin Bowcutt, Senior Technical Fellow and Chief Scientist of Hypersonics for The Boeing Company, and 2025 winner of the prestigious AIAA Duran Lecturship Award!

The symposium program includes up to 9 parallel sessions in the morning and afternoon and a keynote address mid-day. Attendees are also invited to participate in the associated Art-in-Science competition by submitting videos or images that combine technical content and aesthetic appeal.

Technical presentations are solicited in all general areas of aerospace S&T, including; Accoustics & Applied Aerodynamics, Applications & Facilities, Aircraft and UAS Design & Applications, Combustion & Fuels, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Data Analysis & Uncertainty Quantifications, Experimental Methods, Flight Dynamics & Controls, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer & Thermal Management, Imaging & Diagnostics, Materials & Structures, Oribital Mechanics, Space Systems, Turbomachinery & Propulsion, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Engineering, and Model-Based Systems Engineering. No written paper is required, and works in development for other technical forums are welcome. Best presentation awards will be made for each technology area.

Registration, along with submision of abstracts and Art-in-science entries is solely through this website. In order to submit your abstract and/or Art-in-science entry, use the panel on the right side of this page to first create an account, and then login. Once logged in, you'll be presented with options to upload new submissions, and modify or delete existing submissions. Please note that even if you have registered for DCASS in a previous year, you must still create an account for the current event before logging in.

In addition to our co-sponsors, the symposium relies on the generous support of corporate and academic sponsors for financial to keep registration costs low and allow recognition of the award winners. The section currently offers three levels of participation: Platinum ($1,000), Gold ($500), and Silver ($250). We recognize Sponsors during the welcome and introduction before the Keynote presentation and include Sponsor logo prominently in the printed program and event marketing materials. In addition, this web-page will include sponsors with company logo, description of their business/organization, and a link to their website. Gold and Platinum level sponsors also receive a table/booth at the symposium, along with one free registration for Gold and two free registrations for Platinum level sponsorship. To take advantage of the free registration, first register your guest(s) using the menu on the right and then notify the Registration Coordinator with the guest name(s) your sponsorship is to cover. If interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact Christopher Ruscher (christopher.ruscher@spectralenergies.com).

A group of volunteers help to organize the symposium. This organizing committee must address a number of functional areas, and the team is divided into a number of committees that reflect these areas. Each committee is led by a dedicated chairperson, and a general chair and deputy orchestrate the entire planning process. Everyone involved plays a crucial role and contributes to the success of the symposium. We hope that you will join us in thanking them for their participation, hard work, and dedication. We also hope that you will consider helping in the planning of this and future symposia by volunteering to work on the organizing committee or to serve as a session chair.

We hope you will find this website useful and informative. Please use it as your current source for information about the symposium, including any updates, news, or general information.

Jose Camberos,  Executive Chair
Christopher Ruscher,  Deputy Chair
50th Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium