50th Dayton-Cincinnati
Aerospace Sciences Symposium

DCASS Sponsors

This symposium relies on the generous support of corporate and academic sponsors for financial to keep registration costs low and allow recognition of the award winners. The section currently offers three levels of participation: Platinum ($1,000), Gold ($500), and Silver ($250). We recognize Sponsors during the welcome and introduction before the Keynote presentation and include Sponsor logo prominently in the printed program and event marketing materials. In addition, this web-page will include sponsors with company logo, description of their business/organization, and a link to their website. Gold and Platinum level sponsors also receive a table/booth at the symposium, along with one free registration for Gold and two free registrations for Platinum level sponsorship. If interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact: Christopher Ruscher (christopher.ruscher@spectralenergies.com).

Platinum Level Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors