50th Dayton-Cincinnati
Aerospace Sciences Symposium

Art-in-Science Competition

Art-in-science logo

The DCASS Art-in-Science Competition gives participants an opportunity to demonstrate that art and science are not distinct enterprises. The process of discovery in science and engineering parallels the artistic creative process and can give rise to images of sublime beauty.

Art in Science Flier (265 KB)


How to Enter

To submit an entry for the art-in-science competition, first create an account on this website. After you login into your account, you'll be presented with options near the bottom of the page to submit image and/or video entries. Note entries must be submitted by no later than 5:00 PM on 21 February, 2025. For video entries, the system will attempt to extract a frame near the middle of the video for preview and prize puposes. If you would prefer a different frame be used for these purposes, please send it to the webmaster (leger.2@wright.edu) and be sure to include the DCASS abstract id assigned to your entry.


Winners are selected by a popular vote of DCASS attendees. Winning entries will receive a free meal to the Spring Honors & Awards Banquet along with a framed print of their entry.